A Confidence Coach Shares 4 Tips for Letting Your Confidence Shine

November 09, 2022
Regina Bonds

Confidence feels unattainable for many people. As a Confidence Coach, my mission in life is to help women embody confidence with ease. 

A lot of people find themselves hoping for more confidence — but is hope enough? Why not take action to support hope? Confidence can be strengthened by knowledge. To gain more confidence, you have to study the subject of “you.” 

I think of confidence as a seed that grows when watered. If you don’t know where to start, I'm here to help you discover some easy, yet powerful, steps towards taking control of your confidence and becoming unstoppable. 

A confidence deficiency can be cured the same way as a nutrient deficiency: with specific treatment. Tapping into your confidence takes action. Action cures fear; inaction fertilizes it. 

Building a confidence toolbox can help you nourish and cultivate your confidence so you can feel like the best version of yourself. Here are some small steps and exercises that can help you get started. 

Find Self-Love 

Loving the raw version of ourselves — the good, the bad, and the ugly — can be a struggle. This is what I call radical acceptance. It’s the first step towards changing the way you see yourself.

It involves looking at all of yourself and pouring love into every part of you. It’s never too late to fall madly in love with yourself and the precious life you’ve been given. 

To strengthen self-love, try these exercises. 

Morning meditation: Start your day with 5 to 10 minutes of meditation to calm the mind. This will help you connect with your higher self, allowing you to plant positive thoughts in your mind first thing in the morning.

Mirror work: Confront your confidence daily. Get in front of the mirror and look at yourself as if you were your best friend. Tell yourself three things you love about yourself. It may be hard in the beginning, but give it a try. 

Tell yourself three things you are proud of and three things you’re committed to working on. Speak kindly to yourself. This exercise can help you build an intimate relationship with yourself and foster a sense of inner trust. 

Build Trust

Once you’ve built a foundation of love, learning to trust yourself can nurture your authenticity. Sometimes the world around us can feel noisy and full of opinions, making it difficult to connect with our truest selves. 

To build self-trust, try this exercise. 

Keep a gratitude journal: Find things to be grateful for and write them down each day. This keeps you aligned with love and abundance. What you focus on grows. If you focus on gratitude, more things to be grateful for will appear.

In your journal, write out 10 affirmative “I am” statements about yourself. Bring awareness to your throat. Be intentional about acknowledging the abundance and love already evident in your life and speak the statements aloud with power and conviction.

Be Unapologetic

Live your truth. So many people show up in life as watered-down versions of themselves. This can rob you of the chance to shine as your unique self, which may erode your confidence. 

Authenticity always wins. If you find yourself saying and doing things just to appease others, then you’re denying your divine right to live in a way that is distinctly you

To work on showing up unapologetically, try this exercise. 

Move your body: Studies show the way you stand and move can play a huge role in your level of confidence. I coach my ladies to stand in the mirror and hold a confident superwoman power pose for thirty seconds each day. Don’t be afraid to add your own little sparkle to this one. 

Join a Community 

Never underestimate the power of community. The right tribe will support your growth, empower you to be better, and hold you accountable for what you say you want.

When you want to show up confidently in a community setting, try these tips. 

Flash a smile: Smile when you walk into the room or join a group. Smiling alone can increase your confidence. Even if you don't feel your best, a simple smile can defeat fear and kick low-self esteem out the door.

Make eye contact: Eye contact is a great way to get people's attention and show them that you are confident in yourself.

Strut your stuff: Walk with passion and purpose. Hold your head high, roll your shoulders back, and show up with purpose. Remember: you belong in every room you walk into. 

Every time you show up for you, celebrate yourself. I always tell my clients that what gets celebrated gets repeated. I want you to know the path to unstoppable confidence isn’t a race but a journey. 

Take it one day at a time and practice confidence. With a little consistency, it will become your biggest supporter and friend. 

And when you fall, give yourself grace, pour love over yourself, and get back up and keep going. You got this!