Why You Should Pay Attention to the Color of Your Underwear on New Year's Eve

December 14, 2023
Isabella Torchia

Okay, FORGET the fireworks. How about plate-smashing in Denmark,  eating ring-shaped foods in Greece, or even carrying an empty suitcase around the block in Colombia? 

Welcome to the amazing world of New Year's Eve traditions—where anything you eat, say, do and even wear has the power to influence your luck in the opportunity-filled year ahead. 

Among the true myriad of superstitions surrounding the last evening of the year, there’s one ritual that really stands out to us as people who believe in the power of underwear.

While the exact origins of this tradition are a little murky, many in Latin American countries (and now beyond) believe that wearing brand new, specifically-colored underwear on New Year’s Eve can help ring in a particular energy for the upcoming year. 

Throughout history, symbolic meanings associated with color have been used in all sorts of manifestation practices—from burning candles to choosing a nail polish shade—so we’re totally on board with undressing this magical custom all the way down to our NYE undies. 

Ready to manifest in 2024? Whether you’re after riches or true love, choose your underwear color wisely. But, mostly, have fun with it—and let us know if it pays off. For real. 


Knix model wearing the Revolution V-Neck Bra and Leakproof French Cut in Red Velvet display: full

Ooooo la la! Associated with love, passion, and vitality, red is believed to invite a year filled with romance and excitement. Tune into this fiery energy in 2024 with a pair of Leakproof French Cut undies in Velvet Red. It doesn’t hurt that you’ll feel irresistible come midnight—all while channeling good vibes for the year ahead. 


Knix model wearing the Lace Longline Bra and Lace Bikini in Gilded Gold display: full

Representing prosperity and wealth, gold-colored underwear is worn to attract financial success and abundance in the coming year. Are you counting on a well-deserved raise or promotion in 2024? Slide into a pair of Lace Bikini underwear in Golden Glow. Don’t mind me—just grabbing a pair of these for myself…


Knix model wearing the Super Leakproof Dream Short in Bouquet Blue display: full

Symbolizing tranquility, wisdom, and stability, blue underwear is believed to bring about calmness and clarity in the new year. If you’re embarking on a spiritual journey or hoping for a peaceful, clear-minded year ahead, it’s Essential Bikini undies in Bouquet Blue you should be wearing when the countdown starts. 


Knix model wearing the Lace WingWoman Bra and Lace Boyshort in Pomegranate display: full

Friendship is the best ship, and pink knows this. Reflecting affection and kindness, pink underwear is worn to foster love, friendships, and a harmonious atmosphere in the coming year. Whether you’re looking to mend a friendship or have a budding one flourish, Lace Essential Boyshorts in Pomegranate have got your back (and butt). 


Knix model wearing the Shadow Mesh Revolution Bra and Shadow Mesh Leakproof Bikini in Orchid display: full

Representing purity and new beginnings, white underwear signifies a clean slate and fresh starts for the upcoming year. If 2023 wasn’t your year, find solace in knowing the year ahead is a blank page for you to fill with your heart’s desires—especially if you’re donning a pair of Shadow Mesh Leakproof Bikini underwear in Orchid.


Knix models wearing the Leakproof Bikini 3-Pack Gift Box display: full

Linked to nature, growth, and harmony, green underwear symbolizes luck, health, and balance for the upcoming year. Whether your aspirations are to reconnect with nature, spend more time outdoors, or find work-life balance, the secret might just be in the gemstone hue of our Leakproof Bikini underwear in Jade


Knix model wearing the Deep V Lace Bralette and Lace Leakproof Boyshort in Periwinkle display: full

Often associated with creativity, mystery, and magic, purple underwear is believed to inspire imagination and unlock creative potential in the new year. One day you’re wearing a Lace Leakproof Boyshort in Periwinkle, and the next you’re living out the most creatively fulfilling year of your life. Sounds pretty magical to us. 

As the clock ticks closer to midnight, dance your heart away in your new underwear… and embrace the magic of the moment. Who knows? Maybe those lucky undies will add an extra sparkle to your year ahead. Cheers to a colorful 2024!