Ask Knix: Where Can I Find a Comfy Nursing Bra?

February 06, 2020
Team Knix

Dear Knix,

I’m getting ready to give birth, and besides all the normal worries (sleep deprivation and nonstop crying), I’m struggling to find a nursing bra that is supportive and comfortable enough to wear all day long. I’ve read about your Evolution Bra, and I like that I could keep wearing it after weaning. Does it work for nursing moms?




Hey Lindsey 👋,

First, congrats! We’re so excited for the arrival of your new little one. Our Evolution Bra was the go-to for Knix moms for a loooong time, but we kept getting the same requests! Can you make this with leak proof pads? Can you make this easier to unclip? 

And so we launched our Postpartum Collection, which includes 2 comfy nursing options. The first is the Leakproof Nursing Bra. With extra absorbent removable pads, there’s no more crying over spilled milk. (Hot tip? You can also buy extra sets of pads, just in case). Our Leakproof tech is also quick-drying, which means no more leaks on your shirt. Or sheets. Or at work. Or while shopping. Or while kicking butt at whatever you do daily! 

While nursing, you might not think it’s possible to go bra-lass. Impossible, you might say, I can't trust my boobs! Well say hello to your wardrobe’s newest bundle of joy: The Leakproof Nursing Tank. Your new favorite first layer, this super smooth tank has a built in nursing bra. Boom, it’s almost as if our Nursing Bra and LuxeLift Evo Tank had a baby. 

If we know anything about boobs (and at Knix we know a lot), it’s that your breast size changes through all trimesters and beyond. With 4-way stretch fabric, both our nursing bra and tank adapts and recovers to accommodate changing breast shape. It’s also super soft and supportive, so it’s an added touch when the girls are feeling extra sensitive. 

Both the Nursing Bra and Nursing Tank are also really convenient. You’ve got your hands full, so you shouldn’t need to be Rubiks-cubing your bra strap undone just to feed your baby! For easier feeds, the premium clasps can be snapped open and closed with just one hand. Both are the perfect nursing companions, and we hope you think so too. 

Happy Knixing, 


Pssst: We have a full maternity and postpartum collection. Stretchy undies? Check. CoreLove compression/leak proof underwear? Check. Shop here!