Knix - Knix Blog 2024-05-08T15:00:09-04:00 Knix 2022-12-08T12:00:03-05:00 2022-12-08T12:58:47-05:00 3 Creators Open Up About the Power of Loungewear and Self-Care Victoria Bouthillier In a culture that glorifies hustle culture and validates being "busy" as a personality trait, taking time to decompress is an act of subversion


Relaxing and taking a breather looks different for everyone. For some, it's a bubblebath and a glass of wine and for others it's a Netflix marathon featuring the softest pajamas in your top drawer. 

In a culture that glorifies hustle culture and validates being "busy" as a personality trait, taking time to decompress is an act of subversion. We all deserve time away from our screens — and their constant symphony of notifications — without that nagging voice in our heads telling us to be "productive." 

With the launch of our new cloud-soft Luxe Modal collection, we're leaning into the meaning of self-care according to three Knix Ambassadors and creators. Hint: it involves a lot of lounging around — which is just what the holidays are for. 

Emily Padan, Entrepreneur and Slow Living Advocate

Emily wearing the Luxe Modal Pullover Lounge Bra and Bikini in Black with the Rib-Knit Duster Cardigan in Oatmeal display: full

As a slow living ambassador, finding ways to relax is a big part of my lifestyle. I’m a firm believer that we need to proactively set up our lives so that we have plenty of rest so that we can reconnect with our inner selves, rather than wait until we burn out.

Finding moments to slow down are essential; lighting a candle, reading some fiction, sipping on your favorite warm drink, and getting into your coziest intimates…these are simply a few ways you can live slowly this holiday season and beyond. Try starting off your morning with one or two rituals that ground you, even during a busier season.

I like stretching my body in something comfy and making myself a matcha latte. By taking more time for yourself, you tune in more to what your body and mind need. The more our needs are met, the better humans we can be to ourselves, to others, and to the planet.

Zhané Stimpson, TikToker

Zhané wearing the Luxe Modal Pullover Lounge Bra and Sleep Pant in Horizon display: full

Lately, I’ve been reading a lot on how relaxation is power. I’ve been conditioned to idolize hustle culture, to prioritize work over vacation time. Even if I take time off I’m still worried and stressed about checking my emails and messages.

With each passing day I grow closer and closer to burn out. Unlearning this behaviour has been a life changer in terms of how I view time — the importance of taking time to relax gives power back to your body.

Relaxing, to me, is reclaiming my time and really focusing on self-care. There's something about lounging around my living room, Netflix playing, face mask on, and my favourite food in-hand that really helps me feel bliss. Comfort is everything from the clothes I wear, to how I surround myself.

As I continue to grow, develop my career, figure out who I am, and navigate the adult world, one thing I’ll always come back to is this safe space of relaxation to ground me.

Yzelle Durán, Digital Creator

Yzelle wearing the Luxe Modal Pullover Lounge Bra and Boxer Brief in Black display: full

There's really no better feeling than coming home to my dog, changing into loungewear, removing all of my makeup and starting my skincare routine. Although these small rituals may seem so simple, they bring me a great deal of comfort during these unpredictable times.

Self-care looks different for everyone, but for me, choosing to put on a cute bralette and boxer shorts makes me feel like I am present and in tune with my body. Loungewear is what I feel most comfortable and confident in and it's what I choose to wear on my days at home.

Another form of self-care I enjoy is skincare. Something as simple as putting on a face mask or massaging my favourite oil into my skin helps me to relax and clear my mind. It's important to find joy in the little things; sometimes it's small things that matter the most.

]]> 2022-03-23T12:30:01-04:00 2023-10-13T15:38:10-04:00 Self-Pleasure as the Ultimate Form of Self-Care Victoria Bouthillier Self-care has become a buzz-worthy trend in recent years, but rarely do we think of self-pleasure as a form of self-love



In a society that traditionally centralizes sex from a man’s vantage point, sexuality from a woman’s perspective is not as openly shared, discussed, or celebrated. 

The culture we live in has normalized masturbation for men, but the topic around self-pleasure for women and non-binary beings is often regarded as taboo and considered shameful or dirty. What is backwards about that imposition is that a huge part of who we are as individuals, and as women and non-binary royals, is our sexuality.

We not only have the permission, but we have the right to explore, create, redeem, and thrive in our sexuality. Because this conversation isn’t being held by the masses, it is important to write a new chapter on what sexuality means to us. Through the gift of self-love and self-pleasure, we can find self-empowerment, confidence, and connection.

Jo Portia wearing the WingWoman Contour Bra and Cotton Super Leakproof Boxer Brief in Black / Image by @iloveairis display: full

On this journey of self-love, self-pleasure has been a means of reconnecting with myself and body — a form of self-care and self-love that I prioritize to help express my divinity as a woman.

So how can we find empowerment in self-pleasure and understand its strength in catalyzing our growth as sexual beings? 

Unlearning What We've Been Taught

Jo Portia wearing the WingWoman Contour Bra in Black / Image by @iloveairis display: full

Redefining my sexuality has meant unlearning what I was taught about what it should mean and look like. Like many women, I was taught to focus on male pleasure and that tapping into your sexuality was reserved for sex with your partner.

I was also taught that sexuality should be kept in the bedroom and that self-pleasure was shameful and embarrassing. I could go on about the backwards narratives I was taught about how women "should" express themselves or, better yet, repress their sexual desires.

I have had to dismantle these beliefs and redevelop my own values around sexuality, self-expression, and stepping into my sensuality. 

Becoming intimate with myself involved asking myself questions I avoided in the past, like “What turns me on? What turns me off? How do I like to be touched? What makes me feel loved? What would make pleasure feel nourishing?”

Answering these questions authentically has allowed me to recognize that self-pleasure is one of the most powerful self-love practices. It connects me to my sexual energy, my radiance, makes me feel powerful as an evolving woman, and brings joy and delight to myself, by myself.

Giving Back to Yourself

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In a society where we are constantly giving ourselves in every capacity, how often can we say we are truly giving back to ourselves? Self-care has become a buzz-worthy trend in recent years, but rarely do we think of self-pleasure as a form of self-love.

Self-care can be defined as taking action to preserve or improve upon one’s health, and self-pleasure encompasses this to its core. Sexual wellness is a fundamental part of our overall health.

Self-pleasure is a way to connect with ourselves sexually and emotionally, it is a way to tenderly give love to ourselves energetically through physical touch and to hold space for ourselves and whatever might arise.

We can discover ourselves through self-pleasure and explore areas that may be untapped and untouched. Self-pleasure offers us the opportunity to regain confidence and offers us a way to give back to ourselves.

Whether we're looking to relieve stress, improve our mood, or indulge desire, it can be a healing and empowering act. 

Loving Your Instrument

Jo Portia wearing Leakproof High Rise / Image by @iloveairis display: full

You might think sexual energy is about sex, but it's actually about feeling alive. Tantra has helped me shift my mindset and see my body as a divine instrument.

Tantra involves a heightened awareness of all aspects of life — including, not just sex, but how you walk, sleep, drink tea, and show up for your community. It weaves the sacred into your daily life and opened my heart to seeing that everyone around me is love, including myself.

You may have come across the term tantra in the media (where it refers to ecstatic tantric sex, open relationships, and numerous orgasms) or in spiritual circles (where it can have different overtones: connection, celebration, intimacy, transcendence, divine consciousness, and so on).

Tantra is an esoteric tradition of Hindu and Buddhist origin that stems from India. At its core, Tantra is about seeing everyone and everything as divine. The word tantra — pronounced tan-truh — means "to weave." Those who practice tantra weave together the physical and spiritual, bringing together spirituality and sexuality.

The definition I use for myself and my coaching practice is tantra as a spiritual practice that involves exploring your personal identity. It’s a practice that’s less about performance and more about pleasure, deep connection, and solo or partnered intimate pleasure. It’s not about getting off, but slowing down and getting to know all parts of yourself, including the parts you may have rejected or denied. 

Tantric Self-Pleasure Tips

Jo Portia wearing the WingWoman Contour Bra in Black / Image by @iloveairis display: full

1 - Set an intention. Remember there are no goals in tantra. It’s all about raising your awareness and exploring your energy.

2 - Set the scene. I love to light a candle, turn on some music, and slip into something that makes me feel like a sensual goddess.

3 - Grab your pleasure kit if you have one. I like to use body-safe oils, like coconut oil or jojoba, and my crystal pleasure wand. If you don’t have one, that’s OK. Use your hands and imagine that whatever is touching your body is a source of unconditional love.

4 - Go slow and focus on your breath! This is all about enjoying your body, practicing playing your instrument, and the journey of discovery. It's not about an orgasm. If you have one, great! Think of it as a gift to yourself.

5 - Relax, don’t stress, and worship your body because you deserve it. Let go of all expectation and focus on what feels good. 

One of my favorite practices for self-love comes from the Daoist traditions of tantra: a breast massage. It’s a practice that can help you open the energetic heart and release stagnant energy and restore the body back to a present, loving, and compassionate state of being.

Your body is an instrument. How are you tuning your instrument to play the most delicious song of love?

Jo Portia Mayari is a sex and relationship coach based in Oakland. 

]]> 2021-12-08T12:00:00-05:00 2021-12-08T12:00:00-05:00 5 Ways to Clear Space for the Year Ahead Victoria Bouthillier Make way for the upcoming year, both physically and emotionally


More than any other month of the year, December has a tendency to test and push our limits. 

Work-life balance may be thrown into question as we scurry towards the finish line during this notoriously busy time. As we strive to purchase the most thoughtful gifts for those on our list, it’s not long before our homes — stacked with boxes and strewn with wrapping paper — begin to feel as though they’ve been overtaken by Santa’s workshop. 

Bursting with the trinkets and clothing we’ve amassed throughout the year — and soon to be bubbling with newly gifted items — the adrenaline-fueled abundance of the holiday season can leave us feeling, well, a little cramped. 

Amid the chaos of it all, it’s easy to lose sight of what an opportune time it is to clear space, both in your closet and in your mind, for all the wonderful things coming your way in 2022. 

Donate What You Don’t Need

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Karolina Ostrzolek/Pexels

With consumerism at an all-time high during the holidays, cleaning out your drawers is the ultimate act of re-centring. Consider what you’ve actually worn this year and, by the same token, what you’re really going to use this year, and pass along the rest. Not only will you feel like the portrait of virtue knowing you’ve given your preloved items to people in need, but you’ll also signal to the universe you have space for more good things.

Not sure where to unload your goods? Look no further than your local homeless shelters, women’s shelters, or thrift stores. Organizations, like Free the Girls, The Bra Recyclers, and I Support the Girls, also accept gently worn or unused bras, which are repurposed or used to empower women who have experienced trafficking, violence, homelessness, impoverishment, and other hardships.

Write it Down

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Once you’ve cleared out your actual drawers, it’s time to clear out the proverbial drawers of your mind. What do you want to let go of this year? Maybe it’s a lingering heartache from a former flame, or perhaps it’s letting go of your cynical inner narrator. 

Whatever it is, write it down — and transform it into something tangible that can be discarded. If you have a flair for the dramatic, light a match and set that piece of paper ablaze. Just make sure you’re outside or near a running tap!

Cleanse Your Space

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Anna Tarazevich/Pexels

While you’re at it, light some sage or palo santo. Known for its cleansing and purifying abilities, on a physical level it can remove bacteria from the air and repel insects, while on a spiritual level it can help with heightened intuition and the warding off of negative energy.

It also just smells great — but be sure to crack open your windows so the incense can flow freely throughout your space, allowing fresh air to circulate.

Do a Vibe Check 

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Sure, you might vibe check your roommates, your friends, your partner(s), but when was the last time you vibe checked yourself? Set aside some time to assess where your energy is at now — whether it’s reeling from the frenzy that is the holiday season or imbued with a sense of inner peace.

Going a step further, try to summarize the energy you’ve been carrying throughout the year and the energy you want to embody as you cruise into 2022. 

Find Gratitude

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Yes, clearing space involves contemplating what’s no longer serving us with the intent of leaving it behind — but what about the things we want to create space for?

From your comfiest clothes (think: the Knix Cozzzy Set) to your favorite hobbies, what stirs up feelings of joy? Make a quick inventory of the things that bring you bliss and vow to cultivate more space for them in the new year. 

]]> 2021-04-08T16:22:22-04:00 2021-04-08T16:23:04-04:00 6 Tips for Moving Your Meditation Outdoors Isabella Torchia More


Incorporating meditation into your routine goes far beyond putting your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ and shutting your eyes. The purpose is to truly connect with your breath, restore inner calmness, and gain a new perspective on situations that might be taking up mental space.

THE BEST PART: You don’t need any experience or physical tools to reap the benefits and impact of meditation.

MY FAVE PART: You can practice almost anywhere. And yes, that means outside too!

meditating outside display: full

While meditation is often thought of as an indoor-only exercise, there are countless benefits of expanding your practice to an outdoor space. Not only can it deepen your practice and bring you more in tune with nature, but it can also be an easier start for beginners. So, here are my top tips for bringing your meditation outside and getting the most out of your practice:

Pick a spot that you have a connection to

Maybe it’s your favorite park by the water or perhaps it’s a little nook underneath a particular tree near your house– no matter what the spot is, try to pick a place that you’re already comfortable with or have a connection to. This will allow you to fully concentrate on your practice, rather than having to scope out a new location that you’re unfamiliar with.

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Avoid extra loud or distracting areas 

Meditating in nature can bring you to an incredible state of inner calmness and ground you to the Earth – but hearing construction noises or loud cars zooming past can take away from that experience.

Some of the best results I have found from meditating outdoors come from when there’s a perfect balance of subtle sounds and minimal distractions. You might be wondering how you can achieve that in an outdoor space, especially since there are elements outside your control.

Try to avoid overly busy or crowded places that you know have lots of traction. Remember that it doesn’t have to be completely silent, but it shouldn’t be a spot where sounds will take over your thoughts. Birds chirping in the background or gentle wind brushing against leaves are great background sounds that won’t completely consume your practice.

Plan for buffer time before and after your meditation

Want to venture beyond your backyard or close neighbourhood? Give yourself enough time to get there and back without having to rush your practice. Incorporating meditation into your morning and evening routine is a great way to get centred and create clarity within your mind. 

If possible, try and also account for extra spontaneity time. After your practice, you might be in the mood to take a walk or just sit and enjoy your own company in nature. You’ll thank yourself for having additional buffer time before and after your meditation, even if you do end up going straight home. I personally always feel more calm and relaxed after, and sometimes even get FIRED UP for more adventures, activities, and even work. 

Pack anything you need for comfort

Posture is key when it comes to any meditation, and that can be harder to achieve when in an outdoor setting. While wearing a cozy outfit is highly recommended, comfort goes beyond just what you're wearing when it comes to outdoor meditations. 

Depending on your preference and location, bringing along a mat or small cushion can make a world of a difference. It might take a few test runs to figure out what works best for you, so don’t be afraid to pack what you need to really concentrate on your practice.

Set a timer in advance

So– you’ve found the perfect spot, you have your favourite sweatsuit on, and have carved out ample time to focus on your outdoor meditation. Then, 30 seconds in, you think to yourself “How long has it been?” 

Setting a timer will remove the need for your mind to go down that avenue of wondering if your time is almost up or how much longer you have left before you run late for your next appointment. Just make sure you choose a sound for your timer that won’t scare or startle you.

outside meditation

Plus, outdoor meditation can sometimes carry our minds deep into relaxation, making it easy to completely lose track of time. Having a gentle nudge at the end of your meditation will remind you to wrap up your practice.

Allow yourself to enjoy the experience

Whether you’re new to meditation or have been doing it for years, there are always days when a practice holds extra weight. Adding the layer of moving your meditation outdoors can be tricky at first, but the benefits are absolutely endless. 

Making meditation part of your daily routine is much more important than trying to achieve a “perfect” practice. Allow yourself to let go of any internalized pressure to meditate in a particular way, and instead, be present in the outdoor experience and appreciative of all that it has to offer.

Overall, outdoor meditation is a great way to incorporate something new into your routine while still carving out the time to unwind and decompress. Just remember that there is no right or wrong way to meditate, especially when you’re trying it out in a new environment. 

Whether you choose to continue your practice indoors or incorporate a few outdoor sessions, the most important element is being present and showing up for yourself regularly. For anyone who would like to try meditation with me, I provide my #FridayFeels meditation every Friday morning at 8:30am EST on my Instagram

Sending you all LOVE,

Coach Carey

coach raia display: split
Raia 'Coach' Carey is a 3x Certified Life Coach, Motivational Speaker and Guided Meditation Coach, passionate about encouraging others to tap into the confidence they never knew they had. By openly sharing her triumphs and tribulations, her vulnerability helps foster a welcoming and safe environment in every room she enters. Raia strives to inspire and lead those around her by providing unwavering support, guidance, and motivation to steer them towards self-awareness, resilience, and sustainable success.  
]]> 2021-03-12T10:35:55-05:00 2021-03-29T16:15:59-04:00 The Spring Houseplant Guide Isabella Torchia Spring is here! And so is Erin Kobayashi, teaching us how to keep our plants alive during the changing season. 


Spring is such a restorative season for me where I really feel the change. Add on surviving a pandemic and being in lockdown, spring couldn’t come sooner for me. I often feel that my houseplants reflect my own winter struggle, where low humidity and less light makes their ability to thrive, or even grow, difficult.

My advice when it comes to transitioning our houseplants into the spring season is pretty similar to how I think we should treat ourselves in the morning— which is a gentle easing into consciousness and reawakening so we can be productive later.

Plants work in tandem with the seasons but since houseplants are indoors, they react a little differently than the ones living outside that will go dormant in the winter. While my houseplants never go into complete dormancy during the winter months, their growth noticeably slows down. Spring is absolutely a season where my little ones perk up and start producing more growth.


Spring cleaning is an activity I like to apply to my wardrobe, home and plants. I find taking some time to carefully wipe down leaves gives me the opportunity to assess how the winter has treated my plants. You notice all the small details: How much have they grown? Is there less variegation on the leaves? Are the winter leaves smaller or etiolated? Am I noticing any creepy crawlers lurking in the foliage?

Washing and Watering 

If the temperature is tepid enough and warm April showers arrive a bit earlier than expected, take advantage of them! My favorite way to wash and water plants is throwing them outside for a light rain shower. 


If it’s still too chilly, collect rainwater in buckets and watering cans to use indoors. Fresh rainwater is superior to tap water because it contains less harsh chemicals, salts and minerals than tap water. Using what Mother Nature generously gives us is an excellent way to avoid turning on the tap and conserving water too.


I use grow lights during the winter but as the season changes and days become longer, I begin to rely on them less and less. More sunlight means less artificial light (unless your plant is sitting far away from the window) so take the time to reassess how the sun has changed in your space, how long it’s hitting your plants and if adjustments need to be made with where your plants are located.


Since I know how good a new haircut can feel in the spring (I just chopped ten inches off), I often feel the same rule applies to my plants that have produced some wonky looking growth. 

My first cuts tend to be chopping off etiolated leaves— which is when leaves look unnaturally stretched out (think of the exaggerated face in Edvard Munch’s painting The Scream) because they are searching for more light. I like to propagate these leaves but ones that are crispy, yellow or fall off without force can be tossed.

Erin pruning plant

Also, I know sanitization has become a natural reflex for everyone but always remember to sanitize your scissors between cuttings. If your plant has any bugs or diseases, you can transfer this to another plant if you don’t properly wipe shears down with rubbing alcohol.


This is probably the most popular advice! Now is the time to think about what plants will be upgraded into a larger pot with fresh soil. Remember, not all plants need to be repotted at the start of spring. I usually check to see what is root bound by looking for runners popping out from the top and bottom of a container.

erin potting

If a plant doesn’t need to be repotted (also worth noting that some plants like to be root bound), I will aerate the growing medium and then add fresh potting soil to the top of the pot, followed by a drink of water.


I always encourage propagation if you have healthy cuttings (those etiolated leaves make great plants to propagate). Starting propagation early is great because you can give away a plant that has grown strong roots to friends and family— so they can spend the rest of the summer watching your green gift grow.


Warmer months are a great time to swap and share your plants. Unlike the winter months that make it difficult to send plants in the mail (cuttings are often sent with heat packs), warm months make it easy to leave plants on a porch and transport them. Research online groups and communities and see if anyone is organizing a plant swap or giving away free cuttings. Sharing is a great way to grow your plant family in the spring and a wonderful way to make some new friends.



People usually stop fertilizing their houseplants during the winter months, giving them time to rest and conserve their energy for the upcoming growing season. In the spring, you can start slowly easing back into fertilizing. 

For me, a way to look at fertilizing in the spring can be likened to having a “dry” alcohol-free month. When your month is over and you start drinking again, usually you try not to overdo it— easing yourself back in. So take baby steps with liquid fertilizing and dilute it to half the strength that is recommended on the bottle to avoid shocking their plants.

Also be sure to pour the watered down fertilizer evenly over the soil with your watering can. I am not a fan of dropping undiluted bombs of fertilizer straight from the bottle directly into the soil.


Real growth always comes from trying something new. Extend this logic to your plants. Plan to try something new! This could mean anything from propagating in Leca or bottom watering your plants. Maybe it’s participating in a plant swap or getting the courage to save up and invest in a plant that is known to be challenging. Spring is a great time to experiment because your plants will be in a better mood to make a comeback if you make some mistakes (which is perfectly normal).

Erin Kobayashi is a Toronto plant guru whose passion for greenery radiates across every inch of her home. Talk about a greenhouse! For more plant tips, tricks and plant inspo, follow along with Erin here. 
📸 : All pictures by Erin Kobayashi
]]> 2021-03-01T13:00:23-05:00 2021-03-26T12:06:12-04:00 Transitioning Your Skincare Routine from Winter to Spring Isabella Torchia More

Hello friends! My name is Lucky Bromhead and I have been a makeup artist for almost 30 years. You may be familiar with some of my work as the personal makeup artist for Catherine O’Hara and Annie Murphy (as Moira and Alexis Rose) on the multi-award winning Schitt’s Creek. I primarily work in television, but I also work with musicians like Alessia Cara and I adore doing red carpet, runway, and editorial makeup as well. (Editor's Note: Lucky is responsible for the most iconic look ever seen on TV, see below)

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The skin is your most precious canvas, and the ritual of taking care of your skin is crucial. I’m here to offer some guidance as we move from cold, dreary, windy winter into glorious, hope-filled spring— and what that may mean for your skincare routine. 

Here are 5 tips to get your skin ready for spring! 

Spring cleaning 

It’s important to take stock of what’s in your skincare cabinet and throw away old, unused, unloved and expired skincare. Yes, skincare expires— so we need to clear away the old and make some room for the new. 

Washing your brushes is also a simple step that is a huge game changer when it comes to the health of your skin.  An unwashed brush can harbour all sorts of bacteria that’s not good for the skin. Wash your brushes with gentle shampoo or brush cleanser, reshape when wet and lay flat on a towel overnight to dry. Also consider discarding any old makeup sponges and start some fresh new ones.

Exfoliate your skin

Even very dry skin needs help sloughing off dead skin cells that can clog pores and impede your skincare from working to its best potential. I love a gentle exfoliant like Tatcha’s The Rice Polish. It’s calming and friendly for almost any skin type and won’t over exfoliate your skin.

Image - Why It Works

I also suggest exfoliating as part of your nighttime routine as skin cell turnover takes place at night. This will make your skin more receptive to your skincare.


This essential skincare step offers customized results with super potent formulations. A serum is usually a liquid or gel containing high concentrations of skin actives, and they’re able to penetrate more deeply than other topicals (like moisturizers). Choose a serum for your individual needs and apply pre-moisturizer.  One of my favorites is Jordan Samuel Skin’s Siero Antiossidante Antioxidant Serum. I also love a tool like DERMAFLASH’s Dermapore Ultrasonic Pore Extractor & Serum Infuser to help optimize the serum’s absorption into the skin.

Siero Antiossidante Antioxidant Serum | Serum | Jordan Samuel Skin


Look for a formula that’s lighter with a lower viscosity than your winter moisturizer. As the weather becomes warmer, skin holds on to more water and doesn’t require as much deep and rich hydration. Weleda Skin Food Light Nourishing Cream is a great example of a lighter yet effective formula. Make sure to add some SPF too— there is a big misconception out there that darker skin doesn’t need SPF which is FALSE! Everyone needs SPF. 

Weleda Skin Food Light Nourishing Cream - 75ml | London Drugs

A tip: the minimum SPF in most day creams ranges from 15 to 20, but if you’re going to be exposed to the sun for longer periods of time, opt for a higher SPF of 30 or 40.

Don’t forget your body!

From the décolletage to the tips of the toes, spring usually means showing a bit more skin.  Scrub the winter away and expose the glow with a body scrub like the Mint & Honey Butter Scrub by Essentials By Temi. You can keep your skin extra lush with a bit of spray on body oil like Caudalie’s Divine Oil (which can be used for the face or hair as well).

Divine Oil | CAUDALIE® - Caudalie


Of course—  don’t forget to protect your skin with some SPF! Shiseido’s Ultra Sun Protector Lotion SPF 50 smells divine and leaves no white cast on the skin, no matter your skin tone.

Thanks Lucky! You can follow along with her star-studded friends and catch her Golden Globes looks here!
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]]> 2021-02-25T12:10:15-05:00 2021-03-29T16:16:40-04:00 5 Black Women Share Their Personal Methods of Self-Care Nezariel Scott "For anyone reading this who identifies as BIPOC— it’s okay to care and love yourself unconditionally. We all deserve wellness, too."


Nezariel Scott is part of Knix's Social Team. If you've DM'd with us on Instagram or Twitter, you're probably friends with her already! When she's not chatting with the Knix community, you can find her celebrating self-care by binge-watching BTS videos. You can also catch more of her writing on FLARE and ELLE.

Do you know what the most beautiful thing about practicing self-care is? That it’s unique and nurturing to each one of us in our own way. Not only does self-care make us feel better— it shapes the person we are and the energy we carry into our day-to-day lives. That’s why I always invest at least twenty minutes of my day spending time doing something I love. 

In honour of Black History Month, I asked friends who also identify as Black to share their personal self-care methods they routinely practice to reconnect with themselves.  

There’s no doubt 2020 was a hard year for our community, so now more than ever, it’s important we take the time to rest and refuel when so many of us have been struggling emotionally. 

Because for anyone reading this who identifies as BIPOC— it’s okay to care and love yourself unconditionally. We all deserve wellness, too.

Say hi to Nez and our Social Team over on @Knixwear, and let us know your favorite ways to practice self-care. 
]]> 2021-02-17T09:48:42-05:00 2021-04-20T23:31:44-04:00 Early Morning Mindfulness: How to Create a Morning Ritual Isabella Torchia Everything comes down to intention, and bringing more intentionality into the things we do is a transformative act."


Hi! I’m Tonya. I’m the Founder and CEO of Rainbo. Aside from being on a journey of social entrepreneurship, I’m also a Holistic Nutritionist, educator, cook and a yogi. 

My healing journey began as a teenager and those experiences really directed my focus from a young age. I’ve been studying nutritional sciences and holistic modalities ever since and have devoted my life’s work to helping people heal through functional nutrition, mycotherapy and integrative lifestyle.

My first-hand healing experience with fungi began in 2011 which sparked my passion, reverence and belief in the magic of mushrooms. Since 2018, I’ve been building the Rainbo brand and product line of dietary supplements and functional foods. Our mushrooms are grown locally and sustainably in Canada.

When I’m not focused on building Rainbo, you can find me in a forest foraging, hiking, or finding inspiration, creativity and energy through my practices of movement, meditation, cooking, writing, and reading.

Why a morning ritual? 

I developed morning rituals and practices to stay committed to my personal growth, to manage stress and be intentional about how I spend my day. Having a morning practice helps to keep me grounded, aligned and on a path that is supportive to my health and wellbeing. When I take good care of myself, I can take even better care of those around me.

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Tonya starting her day in her Bikini Cotton Modal Super Leakproof Underwear

Everything comes down to intention, and bringing more intentionality into the things we do is a transformative act. It might mean that you feel gratitude before eating a meal, you eat away from your desk at work, you chew your food a bit longer— or it could look like journaling and self-awareness exercises. It could look like taking time to meditate or go on a walk when something is bothering you, instead of reacting in the moment (and then regretting it). Your intentions change everything. 

When creating a morning ritual it’s nice to gather inspiration from people you admire, digest it, and realize that it’s going to look different for you. It’s really about figuring out what works best for you. What makes you feel your best, in what sequence, and realizing that it’s not going to be perfect— some days will fall off and you just get right back on the next day. You’ve gotta leave room for life to happen. So don’t be too rigid about it but at the same time, stay committed to taking and creating this time for yourself! 

My Morning Ritual 

To start you off, here’s what my morning looks like. It’s my favorite part of the day.

7:00 AM:  Hit snooze button :)

7:30 AM:  Wake up, smile at my partner (it’s the best way to start the day), think about something I’m grateful for, chug 0.5L water next to my bed.

7:45 AM: 2 minute cold shower. A few times a week I dry brush my skin and put hemp oil on my body before my cold shower. It’s wonderfully invigorating and challenging.  

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Tonya in Knix's High Rise Cotton Modal Super Leakproof Underwear

7:50 AM: Dress and get ready for my day, put the kettle on.

8:00 AM: Make a matcha latte or tonic with a bunch of mushrooms and adaptogens, homemade nut milkit’s always frothy and delicious, feels very supportive and gets me ready for my day. I choose my mushrooms based on how I’m feeling that day, what I feel will support me most.

8:15 AM: Drink tonic and pull a medicine card for the day, read it and let it soak in.

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A morning matcha moment in our High Rise Cotton Modal Super Leakproof Underwear

8:30 AM: Check emails, respond to anything pressing, check my to-do list, set priorities for day.

10:30 AM: Kundalini yoga and meditation—I do this every day.

This is what works best for me in my life at this moment! It has changed a lot over the years. I used to wake up and meditate right away, which was absolutely wonderful. But now I do a full set and movement practice at 10:30 AM. The beautiful thing about morning practices is that they change with life. Stay flexible, open and find what works for you!


]]> 2021-01-19T13:27:08-05:00 2021-03-29T16:32:36-04:00 How to Rejuvenate Your Space: Healing Crystals 101 Isabella Torchia More

Ringing in 2021 with the best vibes imaginable is Knix’s Rejuvenate Collection— inspired by the healing nature of crystals and wildflowers. With new colors Amethyst and Rose Quartz, there’s no better time to dive into their crystal namesakes and all the ways they can help soothe us in the new year. Thankfully, crystal expert Kassi Tanner from Just Kweenin is here to help us learn about the stones that inspired this collection, plus tells us all about her favorite must-have crystal for 2021. 

Rose Quartz rose quartz

This super easy to come by quartz crystal has been used for thousands of years. And for good reason. “Egyptian, Ancient Roman and Greek civilizations believed Rose Quartz crystals had magical powers that would bring them good luck”, Kassi explained. 

Today, Rose Quartz crystals embody feminine energy, and is often thought to be the “universal stone of love”. A crystal that helps promote balance and harmony, it’s the perfect quartz for helping with “heartbreak, deep inner healing, self-love and care”. And of course— due to the feminine energy they embody, Kassi also told us that many women reach for Rose Quartz for strength and protection during infertility struggles. 

It should come as no surprise to armchair astrologists that Rose Quartz is associated with Taurus and Libra, as they’re both ruled by Venus (the planet of love!).  But of course, Rose Quartz is for everyone, Kassi reminded us. Speaking directly to the heart chakra and all the loving energy that flows through, Rose Quartz helps to dissolve grudges, distresses and anxiety— in turn “purifying and reawakening the heart to its innate love”. And who doesn’t need a little bit of that in 2021. 



Just looking at this stunner of a purple stone, you can tell it carries a ton of positive energy. It’s a sought after healing gemstone for a reason, Kassi explained to us. 

The Amethyst has a proven track record— it’s been used as a healing crystal throughout history, all over the world. Amethyst derives from the Greek word “Amethystos”, which means… well, it means to be drunk! And just as we use Sunday Brunch to help “cure us”, Ancient Greeks believed that carrying around this stone helped them to sober up or prevent drunkenness in the first place. This meaning of “healing” would evolve, and later, medieval European soldiers would carry Amethyst on the battlefields to help them keep calm.

Today, Kassi explains, Amethyst can be used to block out negative energy. Known as the “stone of wisdom”, Amethyst speaks directly to the crown chakra and can help us to “ease worries, remove distractions, and helps align our mind with clear consciousness”. It’s one of the best stones for clearing the energies of a healing space, and can help you whenever you feel drained. Although associated with the zodiac sign Aquarius, Amethyst isn’t just for water bearers. “This crystal governs our connection with the universe”, Kassi tells us. 

Clear Quartz

Just Kweenin📷: Made by Kassi and available on Just Kweenin

Although we don’t have a Clear Quartz inspired bra in the Rejuvenate Collection, we just may have to add it in for next time (A clear bra? Our Design Team is always up for a challenge!). 

One of her favorite gemstones, Kassi explained it’s because Clear Quartz is the most powerful, versatile and multipurpose stone available. Known for its ability to magnify the healing vibrations of crystals surrounding it, everyone from Egyptians to Aztecs would use it in meditation to remove negative energy or hexes. 

Associated with the relentlessly fiery sign of Leo, the Clear Quartz has endless healing properties. Used for spiritual awakenings and soul cleanses, they’re also often used to stimulate the immune system, boost energy levels and clear the mind. Looking to charge it with a specific intent? “All you have to do is focus your energy towards your goal in order to direct the universe’s energy toward it”, Kassi explains. If you’re looking for a deep soul cleanser and positive energy in 2021, Clear Quartz is the stone for you. 

When we asked Kassi how to choose crystals, she told us the answer is simple: “If one stands out to you, it’s something that you’re lacking and currently need in your life!”. Looking to manifest some joy this year? Check out Kassi’s store Just Kweenin, where she makes beautiful manifestation candles, and crystal jewelry— so you can take the healing energy anywhere you go. And to keep the good vibes rolling, shop our Rejuvenate Collection here. 
]]> 2021-01-01T09:40:02-05:00 2021-03-29T16:37:24-04:00 3 Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions Isabella Torchia New Year, Same You: Why New Year’s Resolutions are a thing of the past, and what you can do instead of making them.


January 1st seems like the perfect date to kick a habit. Start fresh. Turn over a new leaf. Commit to a new challenge. Make change. And while goal setting can be a positive and reinforcing task, kicking off the year with the mindset “New Year, New Me” isn’t always motivating, healthy or productive. 

Rather, there’s quite a lot of pressure to make changes related to your body (according to a recent poll, 38% of all resolutions are to exercise more while 33% are to lose weight), which can lead to some pretty unhealthy behaviour both physically and mentally. And when these resolutions aren’t stuck to (only 8% of people maintain them throughout the year), this can leave you feeling even less motivated and self-confident. And no one needs that especially as we get ready to tackle 2021. 

So instead, we’re proposing you make 3 lists. Sounds like a lot of work? It’s super easy! Read on to find out how to get started on your new New Year’s tradition. 

List 1: What are you grateful for?

Instead of making resolutions, first take some time to reflect on the year behind you. Take stock of what you accomplished, the people you met, the relationships that flourished, the skills you learned. Think of events that were special to you, how you grew, and the friends and family that were alongside you during a bumpy 2020.

Anything that you’re grateful for applies! Those jeans that make your butt look amazing. Your health. The sunset you caught one evening. Your favorite show getting a second season. Finding time for a virtual coffee date with an old pal. That note a special someone left you. No matter how big or small, meditate on it all. 

List 2: What are you looking forward to? 

After reflecting on 2020, it’s time to look forward to 2021 and beyond. Are you celebrating anything big? Are you looking forward to learning something new, or perfecting a craft? Are there places you'd like to visit once you're able to? Is there a hobby you’d like to dive into or a book that’s been waiting on your shelf? Is one of your kids hitting a milestone? Are you counting down until you can get the vaccine? List them all, it’s time to start getting excited for the year ahead. 

List 3: What do you do well? 

Resolutions focus on what you need to change. Pause that. Who says you need to change? For your last list, it’s time to focus on all the best parts of you. What are all the things that make you unique? What are all the things you love about yourself? What are your talents? Your favorite features? You’re perfect just the way you are, and that includes your flaws, weaknesses, and every time you choose to scroll through Netflix for 3 hours before picking something. It’s time to celebrate all those aspects of yourself.

Instead of expending energy on what you’d like to change, make your final list one filled with anti-resolutions: things you won’t change because they are uniquely you. 

What are you looking forward to this year? Share with us by dropping us a DM over on @Knixwear!

]]> 2020-06-23T17:11:00-04:00 2021-03-29T16:53:22-04:00 How to Date Yourself Team Knix Kaylynn Marisol Campbell⁠ talks all things self-dating and radical acceptance 


We’re so proud of the Ambassadors that are part of our Knix family. From entrepreneurs to body positivity gurus to mental health advocates (often all at once!), we’re always excited to learn and grow from them. 

This month, we sat down with Knix Ambassador Kaylynn Marisol Campbell⁠— a queer self-relationship and body-connection educator based in California. Read on to learn about how she’s celebrating Pride this year, what it means to date yourself, and the importance of loving every part of your body, all the way down to your vulva. Meet Kaylynn. 


Hi Kaylynn! Tell us about yourself

My name is Kaylynn Marisol Campbell, I am a Queer Femme WOC. I work as a self-relationship and body-connection educator in Sacramento, Ca. I am a writer and currently working on publishing my first children’s book! Other than that I am a wife, dog mom and absolutely love brunch and rooftop hangs with friends more than anything in the world. Also, to say I am obsessed with houseplants would be an understatement. My wife has informed me that I can’t buy anymore during quarantine, haha! 

Can you explain what a Self-Relationship and Body-Connection Educator is? 

Yessss! I work through sharing my experiences with breaking away from diet culture, and coming back to a place of radical self acceptance and love via Instagram, local in person workshops and one on one mentoring. My goal is to help folks start to see themselves as their primary partner, to understand that a relationship with yourself takes all the same goodness and effort that a relationship with someone else does! A lot of my education revolves around body liberation, positive body image and reclaiming power in the body you exist in now! 

How do you date yourself?

I apply everything that I do to date my wife, to myself. It takes communication, connection, trust, effort, affirmation, forgiveness, love and romance. Everything as small as checking in with myself with a quick, “How are you doing babe? What do we need to do for ourselves today?” to taking myself on a solo date to a ceramics class or restaurant. In the beginning it was more about getting to know myself and spending time in my solitude. Now that I have done that for a while it looks a little more advanced. I would say my self-relationship has gone from casually texting, to seeing each other every day, u-hauling and making it known that I’ve found the one! 

Day to day it honestly looks really different but some of the foundational stuff is checking in with myself, stretching, kissing the mirror (LOL no lie). I tailor my daily self-care plan to what my body is communicating to me. She wants movement, I move. She wants sweets, I deliver. She wants an orgasm, I self-pleasure. She wants reassurance, I practice positive affirmations. You get the idea! 

I think the heart of dating myself lies in my ability to be the person who reassures, affirms and loves my body every day unconditionally. That doesn’t mean I love how I look every day, but it means I am committed to making sure I know that no matter what, I am here and will not abandon the belief that I am whole, enough and worthy ever again. 

I want to be my own greatest love of my life.

How has being queer helped to shape and inform how you connect with your own body?

When you’re queer, so much of the world, possibly even your family and friends may no longer be there to affirm, love and protect you. When people abandon, or disagree with who you are as a person that can seriously affect your ability to accept yourself. Affirming, reassuring and loving my body, and all that I am has gifted me the ability to move through the world in a way that is most authentic to me, even in the face of fear and rejection. I will say, as a straight passing femme, I have a ton of privilege when it comes to moving through out the world. At the same time, I have to come out over and over again, so the rejection or disapproval of who I am and who I love is something I potentially face day to day. 

Being queer and advocating for my right to love and exist openly has taught me how to do that in other areas of my life, like body image! Being queer has helped me find the beauty in finding radical acceptance and liberation in myself, my body, and my life all together. 

How are you celebrating Pride this year? How do you celebrate Pride all year round?

Usually we would be at SF pride, the home of all my favorite queer gatherings! This year, we are finding some virtual pride parties, drag shows and participating in the SF virtual trans march! We will probably have a super extra charcuterie board situation, cocktails and living room dance parties. 

All year round I celebrate pride by giving myself permission to wear my Queer identity proudly in honor of those who fought for me to do so. I find so much importance in being open about identity so that other folks can learn and feel like they can do so too. I think one thing I am determined to become better at is being a better ally for the trans community. One way to celebrate pride year round is to make sure I am fighting for all folks to live liberated and open, as safely as I get to. For black trans womxn, that’s not the case yet. To me, pride is a blend of celebration, resistance, advocacy and love! 

Tell us about The Vulva Witch Project. Why the vulva? 

The Vulva Witch was born when I was temporarily laid off from work due to COVID-19. I often take a lot of polls on Instagram centered around body image and I had done one about Vulvae. I was shocked to read the responses. So many folks with Vulvae have felt or are insecure about the shape, size, color etc. I realized how much shame has come from the lack of education, awareness and embodiment that we lack when it comes to Vulvae!

I love art and started messing around with making Vulva incense holders out of clay. Then I made air plant holders that were vulva shaped too. The first sale I had blew my mind. I couldn’t believe how many folks were supportive, and excited to have a vulva incense holder in their house!! My Vulva Witch project is really just starting. My dream is to turn this into a vehicle for education, liberation and funding for all things Vulva related! 

Brag about yourself. What are you proudest of?

I am most proud of the way in which I have come to embody all that I am. The healing, the unlearning and the work I have put in to be here has been incredibly emotional and hard, but worth it. I believe I am here on this earth to empower folks in their bodies and I am so thankful I have detached myself from the systems of oppression that would hold me back from that. At the centre of everything, I am most proud of my willingness to be seen, to be vulnerable with my story which has led me to so much goodness, opportunity and connection. 

Thanks Kaylynn! Follow along with her here and support The Vulva Witch too. Happy Pride! 
]]> 2020-05-20T15:14:00-04:00 2021-03-29T17:16:04-04:00 A Lesson in Art & Self-Love With Quinn Rockliff Team Knix As we’re so often reminded, self-love isn’t a decision that happens in a single moment or on a single day, it’s a constant choice and it’s constant work."


To celebrate the launch of the new Knix Nudes Collectionwe reached out to one of our favorite artists Quinn Rockliff for a very special art lesson. An interdisciplinary feminist artist based in Toronto, Quinn often focuses on nude self-portraits as a way to contemplate sexuality and reclamation through representation. 

(all photos by @quinnrockliff)

In a virtual art-class (a first for all!), Quinn walked the Knix Community through her method of capturing herself through her artwork. With a quick flick of a marker that never left the page, Quinn magically procured a drawing that perfectly captured the curves and lines that make her her. 

When teaching us to draw our bodies, the rules were completely up to us. Her one suggestion? Start with a part of your body that stands out to you, for whatever reason. Maybe it's a part you already love, maybe it's a part that needs a little extra love—but start somewhere intentional. 

We sat down with Quinn to learn about how she got started, why capturing nudes is powerful, and how self-love and honesty is something valuable and celebratory. Meet Quinn Rockliff. 

Much of your work is self-portraiture. Can you tell us how you got started with that? Why do you think it stuck?

I started drawing nude self-portraits as a means to reclaim my body. With no experience in art and desperate to find a way to see myself, I began to draw my body again and again until it felt like mine. I was in the second year of university and found myself spending all my free time drawing self-portraits. During this time I developed a style I still use today that relies on fast movements and a single line to represent my body.   

In the 15 or so seconds it takes me to draw a nude I can see and reflect on so much with a single line. My hand often moves faster than my brain and allows me to see myself honestly before the external forces creep in. I love that I can connect all the aspects of my body with a single line. The line reveals the channels my body uses to connect to itself.  

My favourite curves and lines come from the most unassuming places: my collarbone, the link between my belly button and hip, my elbow. As we’re so often reminded, self-love isn’t a decision that happens in a single moment or on a single day, it’s a constant choice and it’s constant work. For me, drawing my body every day allows me to take the necessary time to see how I’m feeling. Some days the curves and lines that shape my body are filled with confidence, on other days self-doubt, on most days a combination of the two. Recognizing the value and potential for beauty in the tension between self-doubt and confidence - two things that are often placed in opposition as “good” or “bad” - is the most valuable lesson I’ve learned from drawing self-portraits. 

We think there’s lots of power in women documenting themselves. In what ways does your art play a role in documenting your own growth and power?

I couldn’t agree more. When I take the time to draw myself, I’m in charge of how my body is represented and how it is seen. I spent a lot of my life feeling like the only time I was allowed to appreciate my own body was through the eyes of someone else. I felt the constant expectation to be both sexy and modest, confident but not cocky, vulnerable but not overly emotional. I felt exhausted. As a young woman, these contradicting expectations left me feeling paralyzed and scared to say what I really felt. My art gave me a way to talk about things I didn’t know how to put into words. I was able to represent myself by capturing my hesitations and fears.

I see power in being unsure, in being exhausted by unrealistic expectations, in saying out loud that I’m not sure how to be in a world that is constantly requiring me to be all of those things at once. Being emotional, feeling sexy, looking at my body and seeing how it serves me, - not through the perspective of someone else but completely my own - is so powerful. 

What inspires you?

My art is inspired by conversations with friends, things people have said that made me feel small, things I wish I had said back, mistakes I’ve made, moments of self-love, moments of self-doubt, small reminders of things changing for the better, vulnerable people, things I’m embarrassed by but know I shouldn’t be, the way my leg hair catches the light and sparkles, the way I used to hate my leg hair, taking a break when I need to, saying sorry, saying I’m not sorry, and of course tulips. 

Brag about yourself. What are you the most proud of? What do you love most about yourself? 

I’m proud of my choice to be vulnerable online. There’s always this moment before I post a piece and caption where I wonder if I’m the only one who will resonate with what I’m talking about. I always find the writing I have the most fear surrounding ends up resonating with others the most. Growing up with social media, I believed that the only way for me to get attention online was for the way I looked. I thought that the more I emulated models and influencers the more I would be validated. But the day I let that go and became transparent about my fears, mistakes, and frustrations online was the day I finally felt seen. The likes or engagement didn’t even really matter anymore, what mattered was that I put myself out there in a way that actually excited/terrified me. 

quinn rockcliff

I’m not sure what gave me that initial confidence to share my art online, to speak openly about my practice and the questions it raises, but I’m really glad it happened. If you would have told 15-year-old me desperately trying to take the perfect picture for selfie Sunday that my most popular posts would be the ones where I talk about discharge and pubic hair I’d have thought you’d lost it. But I’m so glad I have a community online that gives me space to be vulnerable, because talking about things we have been taught to be ashamed of is one of the most powerful and impactful things I think I can do as an artist and young woman. 

(Quinn in the Wingwoman and Leakproof Thong from our Nudes Collection)

You can check out more of Quinn's work here and follow her journey on Instagram too. Trying your hand at a self portrait? Tag @quinnrockliff and @knixwear. We'd love to see. 

Shop the full Knix Nudes Collection here with 5 new shades inspired by the Knix Community. 


]]> 2020-03-25T09:43:00-04:00 2021-03-29T17:27:08-04:00 How to Meditate at Home Afterpay US Collaborator Cassidy Thedorf shares her tips on creating a blissful home meditation practice


Cassidy is a Toronto-based meditation teacher with Just Be Meditation. Certified in both the Foundations of Mindfulness Meditation and Applied Specialization of Mindfulness Meditation through the University of Toronto, you can find her on Instagram @justbemeditation or online at 


Throughout our lives, we find ourselves in periods of expansion and contraction. In this constant flux, meditation helps me to stay grounded, connected to myself and my intentions. The benefits of meditation are vast, in fact, we are just beginning to understand how far-reaching the outcomes are. What we know for sure is that meditation helps us on levels which are mental, physical, and emotional. From overall wellbeing, to immune system resiliency, meditators around the world tout the various benefits. 

When my life feels expansive, with a sense of blossoming, I feel drawn to group meditations. When I am cocooning, a home meditation practice suits me. Today, I’d like to share a few tips on developing a home meditation practice, for anyone else who may be cuddled up in their cocoon.

Reduce distractions as you can

Turn off your phone, perhaps using a timer to let you know when the meditation is complete. If distractions arise, simply fold them into the practice – notice what you notice, and then return to your meditation, without any judgment. If you live with others, you can create a door hanger for your bedroom, notifying others that you’re in practice. You may wish to play some soft meditative or spa music in the background.

Same place, same time

The brain is always looking for patterns and shortcuts. If you can meditate in the same place most days, and ideally at the same time, you will reach a meditative state with more ease, as the brain recognizes “aha, it’s time to meditate” and allows you to sink in.

Create your sanctuary

Your space can be as simple as a pillow on the floor, a nook in your bedroom closet (if you’re trying to escape a noisy household, this works wonders) or on your balcony. You can choose some of your favorite items as anchors for your attention – maybe crystals, incense, or mala beads – but know that these aren’t necessary. The idea is to create your own personal haven, a place you can comfortably be yourself.

Choose the practice that works best for you

There are plenty of types of meditation to choose from. If your mind is busy, you may enjoy using a mantra, repeating a word silently to yourself with each breath. If you have trouble sleeping, progressive muscle relaxation works wonders. Mindfulness meditation, including body scans, help with anxiety, and emotional awareness. Looking to relax? A visualization practice can help, imagining yourself in a serene setting. Feel free to experiment with different styles, finding the one that resonates best with you.

Start with pranayama

Using the breath, you can help shift the body into the relaxation response. Imagine the way a baby breaths, with their belly rising and falling. This deep breath work comes from the diaphragm, a quick way to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, so you can rest, relax and digest. It can be helpful to start each practice with a few long, slow, intentional breaths. 

Use apps

There are some incredible meditation apps, many of which are free. My favorites include Calm (developed by a Canadian), Headspace, and Insight Timer.

Above all else, be kind to yourself

There’s no such thing as a bad meditation! Even if you sit quietly for 5 minutes a day, you will begin to feel a shift, a sense of clarity and space expanding. Even if the mind feels busy, simply return to the practice when you notice that the mind has (inevitably) wandered.


]]> 2020-02-14T11:43:00-05:00 2021-03-29T16:19:39-04:00 A Guide to Self-Love on Valentine’s Day Isabella Torchia Roses are red, violets are blue, the only Valentine you need this year is you


At one point in your life, Valentine’s Day was an exciting day filled with school dances, candy hearts, chocolate and sweet cards sent to and from pals. Then... you got a little bit older. And suddenly Valentine’s Day became a day that could only be celebrated if you had someone to celebrate it with. 

And while this is so easy to believe (drug store aisles lined with heart-shaped boxes of chocolate the second Christmas ends doesn’t help), it’s just simply not true. Sure, it’s a holiday centred around romance, but what about romancing yourself

Regardless if you have a boo or not, make yourself your own Valentine this year. Read on to find out how you can celebrate YOU this Valentine’s Day… and any other day you chose. 💞

Kind Words Always: Whether it’s a positive affirmation you say to yourself in the mirror right after you wake up, or something you repeat throughout the day it helps to have a mantra or quote that grounds you back to kindness and focuses your attention on self-love, positivity and power. This can be anything you like, but here are a few fun ones that’ll make you feel like Cupid shot his arrow right at your own butt:

Don’t forget to fall in love with yourself first
- Carrie Bradshaw
If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else? Can I get an Amen?
- Rupaul 
My mom said to me, 'You know sweetheart, one day you should settle down and marry a rich man’. And I said, 'Mom, I am a rich man.'
- Cher


Dress up: On Valentine’s Day, dress up in an outfit that simply makes you feel good. This could be that gown in your closet that serves E! red carpet realness, or your oldest hole-iest softest PJ shirt. It could mean going full glam with your makeup or bare-faced and beautiful. Whether it’s the highest of heels or the comfiest of sweatpants, wear whatever makes you glow. For Team Knix member Isabella, it means wearing the biggest hoops she owns… paired with Knix Lounge Pants.

Surround yourself with beauty: Spend some time outdoors in the sun. Watch your favorite movie. Listen to your favorite music. Take a bath. Grab some mini canvases and have a paint night. Hang with all your favorite people. Visit interesting architecture in your city. Go to a museum. Plant something! Not only are these nice things to do, but studies prove that surrounding yourself with beauty actually makes you happier. For Team Knix member Steph, it means filling her home with big beautiful bouquets of flowers. 

Treat Yourself: Invest in something that makes you feel GOOD. This could be anything! For Team Knix member Erin (and resident shopaholic), this always means lingerie. This Valentine’s Day, she’s just in luck. Knix has new Cotton Modal Underwear just in time. You should check them out here before Erin sells everything out. 

On Valentine’s Day and beyond, have an amazing day celebrating YOU.

As Carrie Bradshaw once said,

The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And, if you find someone to love the you that you love, well, that’s just fabulous.”

]]> 2019-12-18T13:51:00-05:00 2021-03-29T17:34:18-04:00 Let's Talk About Mindful Menstruation Team Knix Bringing attention to the intricacies of your cycle, and taking a more holistic approach to PMS in 2020.


Mindfulness is a major buzzword right now, and for good reason: there’s tons of evidence to suggest that slowing down and being more thoughtful yields huge benefits for our mental and physical health. Simply taking the time to disconnect from all the buzzing and chirping of our technology-packed lives can lower stress, aid concentration, and improve sleep.

But even if you’ve mastered mindfulness on your yoga mat or in a morning meditation, it’s likely you haven’t thought about how it can apply to your period. For a lot of us, menstruation can be… well, annoying. While our bodies are beautiful and wonderful, it’s so easy to consider our periods as just a messy, painful, expensive and inconvenient experience. Periods make us bloated, hangry, irritable, and they’ve ruined way too many pairs of underwear to count (pour one out for all the undies we’ve lost along the way). No wonder we often feel so negative toward them!

The mindful menstruation movement aims to change this attitude. By bringing attention to the intricacies of your cycle, and taking a more holistic approach to PMS, mindful menstruation can give you a new appreciation for and ability to weather every aspect of your period.

Sound good? We thought so. Read on for four ways to bring mindfulness to your menstruation in 2020.

  • Try a period tracking app. Simply becoming more aware of the symptoms and side-effects of your period can make you more prepared to handle the emotional waves as they come. If you wake up one morning and suddenly decide everyone around you is a pain-in-the-butt, it can be nice to check the app and realize, Oh, that’s PMS.
  • Take more showers and baths. Your period occurs when your uterus cleans itself out and sheds its lining. Encourage that process by taking lots of long, warm baths, and experiment with salts or scented oils. Let your body know that you’re listening to it, and helping it do its job. Bonus: warm baths can also help you sleep better and ease cramping.  
  • Listen to your body. Painkillers on your period are a real and necessary gift when work or family demands attention, especially when cramps feel unbearable. It’s important though to remember that (when possible), giving into your emotional feelings is helpful too! Maybe that's an extra hour of sleep, a large bowl of ice cream, a cuddle with a book and a hot water bottle. If you’re feeling bloated, wear your flowiest dress and drink extra water. A gentle, seated yoga twist can also encourage your uterus to keep moving things along. Embracing rather than resisting your symptoms can help you feel less anxious — and less in pain.  
  • Use alternative products. Many traditional period products are designed to stop your flow in any way possible. These are not only expensive and uncomfortable, they also use additives like bleach and synthetic fragrances that you likely don’t want up against your most delicate parts. Plus, they’re not sustainable. They create a ton of waste, lingering in landfills for decades. To stop the cycle, try alternative products that are better for your body and for the environment, like our leakproof underwear.  Wear them on their own on light flow days, or as a backup for a heavy flow in place of a panty liner. They absorb two tampons worth of blood to keep you dry, employ a natural carbon gusset that destroys odor, and can be machine washed and worn again and again (and again) to eliminate waste. Plus, they are way sleeker and thinner than traditional pads, so you won’t feel like you’re wearing a diaper. A win for you, your period, and the planet!
    ]]> 2018-11-26T13:47:00-05:00 2021-03-30T17:03:03-04:00 The Best Motivational Gifts Team Knix For the go-getters, the daydreamers, and the ones who need a little push.


    Do you have an entrepreneur or aspiring CEO on your holiday shopping list? Or just not sure what to get someone who dreams big? These gift suggestions will inspire the big thinkers, the daydreamers, and the go-getters to go out there and tackle their goals. Plus, these gifts keep on giving: your mom, sister, or bestie will benefit from them for months (or even years!) to come.

    Jade yoga mat knix gift guideGive the gift of inner peace with an eco-friendly yoga mat. This mat from JadeYoga is made from rubber trees, and Jade will plant a new tree for every mat sold. Namaste. $80

    Notebook daily edited knix gift guideThere’s no better place for big ideas to brew than in a great notebook. These chic ones from The Daily Edited allow you to customize it with your initials, a catchphrase, or even your favorite emoji! $50

    mejuri tarot necklace knix gift guideHelp your friend or family member embody strength with this gorgeous necklace from Mejuri. Inspired by a tarot card, this delicate gold vermeil necklace features a the face of a lion to help bring strength to whomever wears it. Not into lions? Choose from a moon, a star, or a sun. $95

    Knix catalyst sports bra holiday giftEvery woman needs a good sports bra and, finally, there’s one that holds up. The Catalyst  high-impact sports bra holds you in and is a breeze to get on and off. At long last, there’s something out there that supports women up to a size 42G. $85






    knix gift guide online courseUnder $25 Help an aspiring entrepreneur realize their dreams with the gift of knowledge: send them to a women’s workshop, a conference, or an online course, like these ones at Ladies Get Paid. $25

    ]]> 2017-09-07T11:20:00-04:00 2021-03-30T17:20:15-04:00 Ready, Set, Recharge Team Knix What do you do when backyard barbecues turn into parent-teacher conferences, client meetings, and jam-packed new routines?


    Whether or not you’re participating in the back-to-school rush, September can be an incredibly busy time. There is something invigorating about shifting into a new season — one full of goals, plans, and new starts — especially after the lazy, hazy days of summer. But that buzzing energy can also bring with it the risk of burnout. So what do you do when backyard barbecues turn into parent-teacher conferences, client meetings, and jam-packed new routines?

    Writer and speaker Brene Brown (one of our faves!) says that living with stress has become the new default for many of us. If we aren’t operating at a fever pitch, it can begin to feel like we aren’t being productive. But maintaining that level of activity can lead to acute stress, illness, and an inability to connect with the people in our lives. Learning how to properly manage not only our schedules but also our emotions is an ongoing process. As Brown says, “To really recover from burnout, we must change not just our schedules but also our thinking. We must accept that what we produce and contribute is not our value—and get clear on what is.”

    Ready for a recharge? Read on for three ways we’re re-examining priorities, making time for ourselves, and finding balance in a busy world.

    1. Find your quiet place. Recharging isn’t just about taking time away from stressful activities: you need to give your brain the chance to completely shut down. Rather than picking up a new activity (pottery? rock climbing? cross stich?), use down time to indulge in something mindless. That might be reruns of your favorite TV show; meandering walks at dusk; or long, slow lengths in a community pool. Take the time to shut down and let your mind wander. You’ll be amazed at what gets cleared out.
    2. Because you’re worth it. Often, burnout is a product of feeling like nothing you’re doing is good enough. You’ll never be able to make it to all those dance recitals, and you’ll never know the answer to every question from your boss. But you might be an expert smoothie maker, your dog’s favorite fetch partner, or the person your coworkers turn to for advice. This fall, start the practice of a gratitude journal. Each night, make a point of writing down three things you’re proud of, and three things you’re grateful for. This simple act might be all it takes to calm the hamster wheel in your head.
    3. Unplug. We know it’s easier said than done, but burnout is only exacerbated by the sense that everyone else is doing better than you. Now that we have access to every Insta influencer, Twitter personality, and Facebook album full of accomplishments, it’s easy to believe you’re the one falling behind. Not only that, but the constant barrage of light and activity from our smartphones has been shown to disrupt sleep and prevent relaxation — two major causes of burnout. Next time you’re feeling stressed, make a point of shutting down early. Turn off your phone and your computer for a few hours each evening and work towards being present. We promise: you won’t miss it.

    Photo by Myles Tan on Unsplash

    ]]> 2017-08-29T11:22:00-04:00 2023-09-20T12:16:12-04:00 How to Find the Perfect Bra Fit Team Knix Read on for some common fit issues and easy fixes, so we can get your bust the care it truly deserves.


    We know that bra sizing can be confusing. Don’t get discouraged if you’re having trouble finding the right fit — it’s not you! You’re awesome.

    Read on for some common fit issues and easy fixes, so we can get your bust the care it truly deserves.  


    Revolution Bra display: full

    Symptom: You’re rocking a little bit too much side-boob or spilling out over the top of the bra.

    Solution: This is a sign to give yourself more space to breathe, so you should go up a cup size. Note that our bra sizing isn’t perfectly sequential, so check our size chart for more details.

    Gaping or Wrinkling in the Cup

    Symptom: Underwire and padded bras leave you with space at the top of the bra, or the fabric cups on one of our Everyday bras are wrinkling.

    Solution: In a traditional bra, that gape at the top means you should go down a cup size. If you’ve noticed slight wrinkling on your Revolution Bra or WingWoman Contour Bra, this is normal and will disappear as your bra molds to your body (although you should make sure your straps are tight enough so that the cups are pulled smooth!)

    If the wrinkling or gaping is extremely noticeable, you may need to size down in the cup.

    Band Rolling Up

    Lace WingWoman Contour Bra display: full

    Symptom: Your band rolls up or folds during movement.

    Solution: This can be caused by two different (but similar!) issues: your band is probably either too big or too small. To test, run two fingers under the band along your back.

    Tight squeeze? Size up in the band, or use a band extender to get your ideal fit. Lots of space? Time to size down in the band.  

    Too Tight!

    Symptom: A corset or shapewear feeling.

    Solution: We've been taught that to get the ideal boob shape, you can expect discomfort. But your bra is a buddy, not a torture tool.

    All of our bras are designed to fit tight at first, so that the material has time to learn the shape of your body and relax to fit you perfectly.

    It'll take a few wears to get that ideal fit, so take take advantage of our 30 day wash-and-wear trial and give that bra a spin. That said, if you feel like you're being hugged by an overzealous bear, it's time to size up. 

    Back Bulge

    Revolution Bra display: full

    Symptom: The bra band cuts or digs in, creating rolls of skin at your back.

    Solution: Make sure you're wearing your bra on the loosest set of hooks. A perfectly fitting bra should do most of the work around the band, but shouldn't dig in.

    If your Evolution, Padded V-Neck or Catalyst merely feels snug (not painful!) try letting it relax through the first month of wear with our 30 day wash-and-wear trial. 

    Band Rises in the Back

    Symptom: The back band of your bra arches up towards your neck.

    Solution: The right bra size will result in a band that sits comfortably flat across your back. If it’s riding up, you should reduce your band size. The correct fit will allow the band to do 80% of the work! 


    Lace Longline Bra display: full

    Symptom: You know what this is 🙄

    Solution: Uncomfortably tight sports bras or bandeaus often result in the uniboob look. If you’re feeling extremely squashed, you should size up in the cup.

    You may find that Knix bras do hold your breasts differently than other bras (although without the squish!).

    All of our bras were designed to provide natural lift and separation: this won’t be the super buxom look you get from underwire bras. Boobs are great just the way they are!

    ]]> 2017-08-14T09:30:00-04:00 2021-03-30T17:20:16-04:00 Is Imposter Syndrome Holding You Back? Team Knix If you’re a woman in the workforce, it’s likely that at some point you've felt in over your head.


    If you’re a woman in the workforce, it’s likely that at some point you've felt in over your head (and if you haven’t, call us — we need your mojo). The difficult thing about feeling out of control, incapable, or unprepared is that it can often be hard to untangle truth from fiction when it comes to your own performance. Are you really a disaster, or are you just suffering from imposter syndrome?

    “The impostor syndrome describes the countless millions of people who do not experience an inner sense of competence or success. Despite often overwhelming evidence of their abilities impostors dismiss them as merely a matter of luck, timing, outside help, charm--even computer error. Because people who have the impostor syndrome feel that they’ve somehow managed to slip through the system undetected, in their mind it’s just a matter of time before they’re found out.”  Valerie Smith, The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women
    Sound familiar? If so, you’re far from alone. In fact, Knixwear founder and CEO, Joanna, is no stranger to imposter syndrome. Having left a successful career in media to start her own lingerie business, she’s often found herself in situations where she’s been made to question her own competency and self-worth. Ironically, it’s often when you’re at your most successful that these feelings are strongest: “Imposter syndrome is what happens when you start to experience success and start questioning your own self-worth, whether you’re deserving and if you’re cut out for it,” she says.
    So, how can you combat these negative thought patterns and focus on what really matters? Read on for four expert-approved ways we’re building confidence and silencing our inner haters.
    1. Joanna likes to talk about the magic that happens when you own your competitive advantage. This means taking an honest look at where you feel you’re falling behind and where you are clearly succeeding. Maybe you’re not the best public speaker in your office, but people often come to you for help with an email or written report. Focus on how to further strengthen your writing skills, and start owning your own expertise. If you’re starting your own business and know you can’t compete with the big guys when it comes to spending, draw on your motivation and determination and outhustle and outpace those bigger fish. No one will ever be the best at all things, but learning how to focus on where you do excel — and putting your energy into defining that skill set — can make you much more confident in the long run.
    2. Indulge your doubts. Rather than quieting the voice that tells you you aren’t good enough, listen to it. Let it yell at you, in fact. Do this either by gathering one or two close, supportive friends or in a journal: get out all your negativity and self-loathing. Seeing it on paper — or on your friends’ faces — can help you understand just how ridiculous your inner monologue can be. Over time, this should help you recognize the crazy thoughts as exactly that.

    "While the impostor syndrome is not unique to women, women are more apt to agonize over tiny mistakes, see even constructive criticism as evi­dence of their shortcomings, and chalk up their accomplishments to luck rather than skill. They often unconsciously overcompensate with crippling perfec­tionism, overpreparation, maintaining a lower pro­file, withholding their talents and opinions, or never finishing important projects. When they do succeed, they think, Phew, I fooled ’em again."

    3. There’s no such thing as magic. (Sorry!) That means that wherever you are, you played a role in getting there. Start a file that catalogues your praise: positive job reviews, kind emails where someone has noted your help or accomplishments, cards from loved ones or your kids. As nice as it would be if this were true, it’s simply not possible to wish our way into success. If you’re doing well, it’s because you worked hard for it, not because some mystical forces conspired in your favor. Go back to the file whenever you question your self-worth, and gradually, you’ll begin to see yourself the way others do.

    4. One of the scariest phrases in the English language is “I don’t know.” It’s also one of the most helpful. If you’ve been feeling like a fraud, it’s time to make “I don’t know” part of your permanent vocabulary. Remember that every good idea, every worthwhile invention, started with “I don’t know.” There was definitely some guy in history who asked Galileo, “What’s up with earth — square or round?” “Great question, dude! I don’t know, but let me find out for you…” If you’re in a position of power, get input from those around you to help figure out the unknowns. If your supervisor is asking, saying “I don’t know, but I’ll find out!” shows that you are both willing to ask for help and committed to making it better. By acknowledging the mysteries, you leave space to find a solution.

    Photo by Olayinka Babalola on Unsplash

    ]]> 2017-08-03T09:00:00-04:00 2021-03-30T17:20:18-04:00 Ask Knix: Which Underwear is Right for Me? Team Knix More

    Hey Knix,

    I’ve got lots of questions about your underwear. Mostly: how do I know which ones to pick? I’m looking for something seamless that I can wear under work clothes. Since I’m a lawyer, I work long days and often try to get to the gym on my lunch break - can I work out in all of your underwear? What if I want something that I can then wear on a date? What’s the deal?




    Confused! We’re so glad you found us. Tbh, we think all of our seamless underwear are awesome, but we’ve been known to play favorites in the office. One person’s Luxe is another person’s Athletic, etc. Let’s start with a quick breakdown of our different lines, shall we?

    Our Everyday underwear are our most versatile. We use a patented Italian-milled fabric that feels light as air: we want you to forget you’re even wearing these. The velvet flocking around the bonded edges is soft and secure, and results in a totally seamless look that hugs your curves. With moisture- and odor-wicking tech in the gusset, you can rest assured these will keep you fresh all day and night.

    Looking for a pair that will stand up to sweat? Our Athletic underwear is made for your toughest workouts and longest days. The Lycra sport fabric pulls sweat away from your body and dries quickly, all while repelling odor. As with our Everyday line, these are seamless, so they’ll be invisible under even your tightest workout gear. The main difference you’ll notice from our Everyday line is the stretch factor: with more give, these will move with your body and avoid any of the bunching or chafing common with other underwear.

    Luxe is our elevated line. The sheer mesh and soft velvet detailing gives these a beautiful and refined look. They’re as perfect for a night on the town as they are for your coziest night of self-care (wine and the Bachelorette, anyone?). And yes: you still get our moisture-wicking and odor-neutralizing gusset.

    So, what’s right for you? We’re confident that our three underwear lines can address all of your needs, especially since we carry all of them in every style: bikini, boyshort, thong, cheeky, highrise...the list goes on. That said, with your schedule - long days, intense workouts, high stress - we’d recommend our Athletic Underwear line. These guys are sporty, for sure, but the sleek shape, silky material, and seamless construction means they are equally at home under a suit or your LBD.

    We hope that helps! Now, what are you waiting for? 😜

    ]]> 2017-08-01T09:30:00-04:00 2021-03-30T17:07:05-04:00 How to Pack for Your Last Fling of Summer Team Knix Read on to find out how to make the most of your last summer trip.


    You may not want to believe it, but summer will actually end. We’re watching August barreling down on us with more than a bit of confusion: wasn’t it JUST April? Didn’t we say this would be the summer we finally learned how to kayak? You mean I only have one more month of rosé?

    That’s why we’re advocating one last summer fling. Since today just so happens to be National Girlfriends Day, make it a squad trip. Grab your best ladies and find the closest AirBnB near a body of water. We make travel way more complicated than it needs to be: often, the best trips are the spontaneous ones.

    Once you’ve sorted the when and where, packing should be easy — but sometimes, there’s nothing more frightening than an empty suitcase. Looking for an simple summer packing recipe? We’ve got it. Read on to find out how to make the most of your final fling.

    • Pack light! This isn’t Vegas (unless it is Vegas, in which case - go wild!), so you don’t need a new pair of shoes for every outfit. Stick to a small bag for short trips to make sure you only bring what you need. What's the best carry-on suitcase? We love the versatile weekend bags from Everlane and the shiny rollies from Away that come with a built-in charging station. 
    • Remember that cut-offs go with everything. Not feeling shorts? A pair of elastic waist light linen pants are a great go-to. Linen travels beautifully: any wrinkles just make it look more authentic.
    • Comfortable, invisible underwear are key to getting dressed without the stress. Our new Get Outside kit has everything you need for a summer weekend spent outside. The Evolution Bra doubles as a back-up bathing suit top, and our Longevity can be worn on its own as a cute crop with leggings. Comfy and versatile? Get it.
    • One summer dress can do the work of 10 if you have the right accessories. We’ve been living in the super soft cotton and bamboo cuts from Canadian designer Hoi Bo - they travel well, go with everything, and nail the “effortless” look.

    Throw in a good book and a pool floaty, and you're ready to bid farewell to summer in easy style. 

    ]]> 2017-02-14T11:39:00-05:00 2021-03-30T17:26:37-04:00 Kailani King: 10 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself Team Knix Take the plunge and falling deeply in love with yourself through these ten practices.



    It’s February, the month of love. You're totally focused on the amazing relationships that you have with your loved ones. This Valentine's Day, however, I'm asking you to do something different. I'm asking you to turn the attention inward - on you. 

    You may think it's selfish, but love that you have for yourself influences everything in your life – the quality of all of your relationships, the image you project at work, and how you cope with stresses. Make this Valentine’s Day one to remember by taking the plunge and falling deeply in love with yourself through these ten practices. 

    1. Live with intention. This purpose or intention doesn’t have to be super clear, it just has to be extremely meaningful to you. For example, it could be as general as staying healthy and happy or as specific as running the Boston Marathon. Once you have created your intention, you will make both subconscious and conscious decisions that support your intention.

    2. Focus on your long term goals rather than your short term desires. Have you ever eaten a bunch of junk food and then followed it with a big dose of regret and guilt? These frustrating moments are caused by the blinding effect that temporary stimulation and satisfaction has over your long term intentions and goals. By clearly identifying your intentions and making small steps towards this intention everyday, you will slowly put an end to these automatic behavior patterns that inhibit self love.

    3. Practice good self-care. Taking care of your basic needs, such as food, exercise and sleep is absolutely foundational for self love. For an extra boost, try foods that contain a high concentration of tryptophan – the precursor to the “feel good” neurotransmitter called serotonin in the brain – such as whole milk, yogurt, kefir and cheese, free range turkey and poultry, wild fish and beans should be regulars in your diet. As for exercise, you’re not only getting a rockin’ body - you’re also getting the release of “feel-good” hormones, including serotonin and dopamine. Just 15 to 20 minutes of moving and grooving is enough to boost your mood for the day. Finally, if you wake up feeling groggy and are tired throughout the day, you may want to reassess your sleep health. Avoiding electronics the hour before bed and dimming the lights after sunset are two ways to drastically improve the quality of your sleep.

    4. Go towards the light. Exposure to bright light everyday is key to feeling amazing. Sun light is the best form so ensure that you show some skin when out in the sun for 20 minutes a day. (Any more, and you’d best be layering on the sunscreen.)

    5. Revamp your social world. You know those people that rub you the wrong way or make you feel bad about yourself? Today is the day that you make the commitment to do something about it. You have two options: Lay it on the line and have a truly authentic conversation with this person about how they make you feel; or cut them loose by avoiding communication with them, even if it means making a few sacrifices.

    6. Stop comparing yourself to others. Seriously. Comparing yourself to others is the biggest waste of mental space, yet one of the hardest feats imaginable to stop. But true self love comes from within and NEVER from looking good to other people or from having the most impressive material objects.  

    7. Compliment yourself and smile in the mirror everyday. This may sound a bit cheesy, but it works like a charm. Examples include “your look so good when you smile,” “you have beautiful eyes,” or ” damn, look at those curves.” Keep doing this and you will notice a massive shift in your attitude towards yourself.

    8. Treat yourself. It could be as simple as scheduling a massage, buying a new sweater, making a delicious meal, or finally scheduling a vacation. Whatever it is, make it something that you would absolutely love for a gift from a friend or loved one. Tell yourself that you deserve it.

    9. See mistakes as lessons. Making mistakes is a part of life and the best way to learn anything, so stop beating yourself up! Seriously. Learn from it, let it go and move onto bigger and better things.

    10. Practice self love meditation everyday. Before you get out of bed and when you rest your head on your pillow at night, practice self love meditation for at least a couple of minutes. Breathing deeply through your nose, inhale love and joy and exhale any negative thoughts or energy that is inhibiting self love.


    ]]> 2017-01-11T11:38:00-05:00 2021-03-30T17:07:07-04:00 Four Self-Confidence Bombs to Conquer Today Team Knix Consciously recognizing our emotions and nipping negative self-talk in the bud.


    Confidence is something everyone struggles with. There are more reasons than we can count as to why this happens – personal traumas, societal pressure, or our tendency to constantly compare ourselves to others are just a few. What we often lose sight of is that those who are the most together are usually as insecure as the rest of us. 

    It’s hard to remember, but in truth we all know it – insecurity isn’t really about what we have or what we look like. It’s rooted in who we are. The solution to low self-esteem isn’t going to be found at the end of an article – including this one. Instead, the best tool is experience. Consciously recognizing our emotions and nipping negative self-talk in the bud can turn a potentially anxiety-ridden situation into one of personal triumph.


    What’s happening: Lack of self-confidence at work can easily become a cycle. Not only are our personal insecurities being tested, but our livelihoods are on the line. Whether you missed a small deadline or majorly dropped the ball, it doesn’t matter – people who care about their jobs will beat themselves up over mistakes, and in turn, question their abilities. Luckily, the problem usually isn’t a real-world one – it’s all in your head. Add to that perceived (or, unfortunately, sometimes real) scrutiny from co-workers – especially in traditionally male-dominated jobs – and getting your stride back can be a serious uphill battle.

    What you can do: Stop comparing yourself to others. In a competitive environment like work, it’s easy to lose focus of why you’re great at your job in the first place. Try something radical: If you can do something to fix a problem, then do it and stop worrying. If you can’t do something to fix a problem, then stop worrying – it’s out of your hands. Either way, doing your best and learning to let go will boost your confidence in taking risks and trying new things – both traits that will make you even better at work.


    What’s happening: In the last few years, due in part to mommy bloggers, amplified parenting trends, and ruthless comment sections, it’s become oddly acceptable to judge other people’s parenting style. Now not only are we judging each other by our children’s behavior, but by the quality of their clothes, the amount of vegetables they’ll willingly tolerate, or the level of intricacy that goes into planning family events and creating a picturesque, perfect home. Are you a working mom? There’s judgement for that. Are you a stay-at-home mom? There’s judgement for that, too. Yep, it doesn’t take long on Pinterest to start internalizing these standards as the status quo.

    What you can do: Here’s something to remember about bad parents: they don’t know they’re bad parents. They’re not stressing about whether they’re doing their best, they’re not up late wondering if it’s okay to feed their kids white flour, they’re not protective, or thoughtful, or involved. Pushing yourself to be a good parent is important, but listening to every pang of guilt over something you think you should be doing will just stress you out. Maybe you lost your temper, or had to work late again, or let the kids have too much screentime because you just needed a quiet minute – but are these things you need to be guilty over? Of course not! If you’re worried about it, you’re already learning from it, and that’s what’s going to make you a great parent. And if you need reassurance, just look at the smart, sweet, friendly little person you created. Give yourself a break – you’re doing great.

    The Gym

    What’s happening: Whether you exercise at a typical gym, barre studio, crossfit dungeon (if that’s not what they call it, it should be), yoga in the park, jogging down the street, or you barely find the time to haul on your sports bra – exercise-type situations are fraught with stress. Even those of us who apparently both consume and enjoy chia pudding have Instagram to remind us our lunch isn’t as photogenic as the next #yogamom. What about us mere mortals, puffing along in a spin class or flapping down the street after abandoning our running shoes all winter? Negative self-talk during exercise almost guarantees you won’t be motivated enough to reach your goals – even if, outside your head, you’re making great progress.

    What you can do: To paraphrase the great Amy Poehler, “Good for her! Not for me.’ This applies to every possible scenario (seriously, try it) but it’s exercise, the practice of self-care, that may need it the most. Bodies are different, schedules are different, lives are different. You don’t know what other people went through, or how long it took, to get the body you’re envying – not to mention, they’re probably just as envious of someone else. So instead, focus on your body – it’s a good one. It takes you where you want to go, it wears clothes you love, it dances and runs and plays with your kids. You can love your body and make improvements on it at the same time – and the quality of the latter depends very much on the former. So instead of competing with other people, compete with yourself – you’ll find the odds stacked in your favor.

    The Beach

    What’s happening: Oh, we don’t need to spell this one out – you already know. Every woman that doesn’t have “Victoria’s Secret Angel” on their business card is used to the deluge of “bikini body” media decrying that only certain bodies are worthy of exposure to the sun. Well, we’re not the first to say it but we’re happy to join the chorus: This. Is. Bullshit. All bodies deserve to be on display. All bodies deserve a trip to the beach. Most importantly, we all deserve a break from this rhetoric.

    What you can do: More than ever, there’s an online movement pushing body positivity, self-acceptance and realistic beauty standards. It takes a long time to reverse a lifetime of internalized “bikini body” garbage, but these are great places to start. Get involved in the conversation and take inspiration from the ladies that are making these communities some of the most positive and well-loved corners of the web. You won’t feel super-confident overnight, but enough reassurance from the accepting and inspiring conversations happening there will help you realize that a day by the lake isn’t something to be missed because you’re feeling a little doughy.
