Does Your Period Stop When You Swim?


There’s a bit of an urban (or perhaps internet) myth that you don’t need to worry about period protection in water because your period stops when you’re submerged in water. This could apply to baths, swimming pools, or ocean swimming. 

Wouldn’t that be lovely if it were the case?! Unfortunately, it is not the case. Your menstrual flow does not stop when you are submerged in water.

So why do people think it does? Let’s dive in (see what I did there?!)

Does Your Period Stop in Water? Maybe a Little… but Not Completely

Okay, so here’s where the idea that your period stops in water probably emerged:

When you are submerged in water, the pressure of the water may lessen your flow. If you had a light flow, to begin with, this might create an impression that bleeding has stopped.

However, if your body were to exert greater pressure (for example, if you laugh, sneeze or cough), the blood pressure can push past the water pressure. Moreover, for those of us with heavier flow, we can definitely attest to the fact that you can bleed in the bathtub.

So, for some: Your menstrual flow may decrease a little while in the water. However, this is not reliable enough to completely forgo period protection while in water (especially when sharing water with other people).

(Aside: Whether you want to wear protection in the bathtub is entirely up to you and mostly boils down to whether you’re squeamish about the possible sight of your own blood. If you do wear a tampon in the bathtub, be sure to change it immediately after, as bathwater is not the cleanest after a long soak)

Okay: Suffice to say you’ll want to wear some period protection while you’re swimming. So what are your options?

You Can Use a Tampon, Sponge, or Menstrual Cup While Swimming

Good news: There are period products that provide protection while swimming on your period. Indeed, you probably have more choices than you even realize.

Tampons Are an Obvious Choice

The obvious choice is the disposable tampon. According to a recent Knix study, tampons are the second most popular menstruation product and were used by 32.6%. They also have high awareness among respondents. 

This probably means they’re the first product you think of when you consider swimming on your period. And indeed, they are an effective solution.

However, for many women, tampons are not an ideal solution. Common reasons some women dislike tampons include:

  • Comfort: Some women find tampons uncomfortable to insert and/or wear
  • Waste reduction: A person who menstruates throws away roughly 400 pounds of packaging from pads and tampons in their lifetime. 
  • Cost: As disposable products, tampons can be prohibitively expensive for some.
  • Health concerns: Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a rare bacterial infection associated with tampon use. Other reports pose additional questions about the safety of tampon ingredients.

Can You Swim on Your Period Without a Tampon? Yes, You Can Try Menstrual Cups

If you’d prefer to swim without a tampon, there are other menstrual products that can be used when swimming. Menstrual cups are the most popular of these.

A menstrual cup is made of silicone or latex rubber and is designed to catch and collect blood (rather than absorb menstrual blood like a tampon.) The cup is folded and inserted into the vagina (similar to inserting a diaphragm.) It then opens to form a seal against the wall of your vagina that prevents leaks. The blood then collects in the cup.

Different brands of cups come in different shapes, so it can be worth trying a few to find the one that’s most comfortable for you. Like a tampon, you shouldn’t feel a cup once it’s inserted. Menstrual cup use can be combined with Leakproof Swimwear.

Menstrual cups are typically reusable. You remove them by pinching the base and pulling, which will release the seal. Then you empty the cup into the toilet, wash it (and your hands) carefully with soap and water, and reinsert it. At the end of your menstrual cycle, once your period has ended, it’s advisable to sterilize your cup in boiling water.

Note: Pads Are Not Designed for Swimming

According to our aforementioned study, menstrual pads are by far the most popular period product. Indeed, 54.6% of respondents said this is their go-to period product. However, bad news for fans of disposable pads: They do not perform so well in water.

This is because pads are designed to absorb any liquid they come in touch with, so once they hit the water, they will become saturated quickly. Their adhesive strips may lose their adhesion in the water. And if it’s the kind of pad with ‘wings,’ those will be visible outside your swimsuit. 

If you bleed and your pad is saturated with water, your blood will have nowhere to go; it will just mix with the water and become diluted. You may even notice a pink trail in the water (depending on how heavy your flow is.) 

So, overall, we would advise steering completely clear of pads when you’re swimming. But good news: There is another solution we haven’t discussed yet!

Our Recommendation? Try Period Swimwear

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Period-friendly swimwear (like Leakproof Swimwear) is a superb option for swimming with confidence on your period. It can be used as a backup protection along with other products (like tampons or menstrual cups).

Knix period-proof swimwear is made to absorb menstrual fluid and prevent leaks in the water. There are so many options to choose from: For lighter leaks, our Leakproof Bikini Swim Bottoms absorb about 1 regular tampon. Our Leakproof High-Rise Swim Bottoms absorb around 3 tsp of blood or the equivalent of 3 regular tampons. Or, for more coverage, try our Swim Short, which absorbs about 2 super tampons! 

And best of all: It comes in many different colors and styles, so you'll be sure to find your new favorite swimsuit too!

How Does Leakproof Swimwear Work?

Period Swimwear has a multi-layered gusset built into its period swim bottoms and one-pieces that trap and absorb period blood. It’s similar to the absorbent technology used in Leakproof Underwear (also known as period underwear), but with one special addition: a waterproof outer layer of material for extra protection.

And, just like period underwear, the absorbent gusset is discreet and comfy, which means you don’t even need to be on your period to wear them. Period Swim is designed to feel just like regular swimwear—it’s just equipped with gear that helps lock blood in, keep water out, and never swells.

When it goes in the laundry with mild detergent, it releases through the top layer—leaving your swim fresh and clean for tomorrow's laps. Reminder: No bleach or softener, and lay flat to dry.

Let’s Answer Some Common Questions

Swimwear and period protection aren’t the only concerns that people express about swimming during their period. Let’s look at some of the most common concerns and questions to help put all the worrisome minds out there at ease.

Will I Leak if I Swim on My Period?

Leaks are a period reality for many of us. Perhaps it’s a spot of blood on our pajamas or bed sheets. Maybe you’ve soaked into your underwear. Of course, the same thing can happen when you wear a tampon or other period product while swimming. The key is to know your flow.

Of course, we all have a different period flow (and your flow will vary depending on the day of your period.) It is worth noting that if you’re bleeding heavily and passing blood clots bigger than a quarter coin, you should talk with your doctor.

That said, all period products come with absorption levels, and it’s really about matching your flow with the right product and making sure you change it at the required frequency. The reason so many of us leak at night is that we’re pushing those limits.

Pair up your protection: For peace of mind, a menstrual cup or tampon can be worn with period swimwear.

It Is *Not* Unhygienic to Swim While Menstruating

This has got to be one of those hangovers of thinking of women's bodies as ‘unclean,’ and it is just completely untrue that it’s unhygienic to swim while menstruating, either for you or for other swimmers.

1. Is it Unsanitary for You?

Periods were often historically portrayed as ‘unclean’ and some of that stigma sadly still hangs around. You are not dirty because you’re menstruating. You also don’t need to be isolated from others. 

The only health caution we would advise when swimming in the water is that if you use a period product (tampons, in particular) to change it once you’re done. Tampons, in particular, can absorb some water in addition to blood, and it is possible there’ll be bacteria in that water. So, it’s best not to leave them in longer than you have to.

Similarly, if you wear Leakproof Swimwear, be sure to rinse it well after every swim, just as you would regular swimwear.

2. Is it Unsanitary for Other People in the Water?

Swimming pools have all kinds of chemicals to keep the water safe to swim (we all know about pee). If you bleed in the water even a little bit (whether it’s period blood or a cut), those chemicals will prevent the transmission of bloodborne illnesses and will keep the water safe for other swimmers.

If you’re in the ocean, there are so many things floating around out there. The least of your worries is a little bit of period blood. Seriously, don’t sweat this one.

You Won’t Leave a Bloody Trail of Period Blood in the Water

Should you worry about leaving a blood trail in the water if your period products fail? It’s hard to make guarantees here: We’ve all experienced a period product failing us at some point and resulting in leaks. This is especially common at night.

The big difference is that at night you may have exceeded your product’s absorbency limit. So as long as you choose the right absorbency level for your flow and don’t push those limits, you should be just fine. If you do have a very heavy menstrual flow, you may opt to use another menstrual product (e.g., a tampon or menstrual cup) for additional protection while you swim.

It is worth noting that the water pressure may lighten your blood flow, and even if you do leak a little, it will be quickly diluted in the water, so you’re unlikely to leave the gruesome blood trail that you’re probably picturing in your head (that’s more the domain of horror movies than real life).

Will Your Menstrual Blood Attract Sharks?

Okay, call me a pragmatist, but first, I would consider NOT swimming in shark-infested waters…

Seriously though, sharks can, of course, smell blood. They can smell the blood from a papercut or a period. They can also smell sweat, mucus, urine… 

The good news is that sharks don’t really want to eat us; we’re not their natural prey. Indeed, many believe that most shark bites are caused by curiosity rather than hunting behaviors (I know, not a lot of consolation for those who were bitten).

Generally, the prevailing advice is that this is a bit of a wild-imagination-meets-horror-movie scenario that is highly unlikely to occur in reality. If you want to learn more about shark attacks, including attack data, visit the International Shark Attack File.

The Benefits of Swimming on Your Period Outweigh the (Mostly Irrational) Fears 

The benefits of swimming during your period (and of exercise in general) far outweigh any of these fears. Those benefits include:

  • Mood lifting, thanks to the release of endorphins
  • Reduced pain from menstrual cramps (aka period cramps) and other period pain
  • Exercise reduces fatigue
  • General health and wellbeing
  • Fun! (yes, you’re allowed to have fun on your period!)

So, seriously, don’t let your period stand in the way of you and the beach or pool. Just dive right in!


Will I bleed in the pool on my period?

You won't bleed when swimming in a pool during your period as long as you use period protection like tampons or menstrual cups. The water pressure can temporarily slow the flow of menstrual blood, but it does not completely stop it. To prevent leaks, try products like Leakproof Swimwear.

Can I go swimming on my period without anything?

We wouldn’t recommend swimming without any period protection. While water pressure may slow your menstrual flow, it won't stop your period from continuing, so it's important to use a tampon or menstrual cup. You can also wear period-friendly swimwear like Leakproof Swimwear as backup protection.  

Does swimming make your period end faster?

While swimming (or any physical activity) can help alleviate some of the physical and psychological symptoms associated with your period, it won't help it end any faster. While the water pressure can temporarily slow the flow of menstrual blood while swimming, it doesn't  actually stop or shorten your period. 

Will it show if I swim on my period?

You can safely swim during your period without worrying about leaks as long as you take a few precautions, such as using a tampon or menstrual cup and wearing Leakproof Swimwear.